ABC's of Me

Meet My Family
I live in Chillicothe with my husband (Jeff) and three children (Alexis, Brody, and Brynlee). My daughter, Alexis, is in the 5th grade at Unioto. My husband works at Unioto too! He is the 5th grade special education teacher. We both graduated from "The U" and love the fact that we have the opportunity to give back the students of Unioto.

ABC's of Mrs. Miller

My middle name is ANN.
 My favorite children's BOOK is Love You Forever.
 I enjoy drinking CAPPUCCINO in the morning.
Our class pet turtles, Oreo and Yertle, were born in DESTIN, Florida.
I've always wanted to travel to EUROPE.
My favorite season is FALL.
I love to chew GUM (although I have a bad habit of swallowing it!).
Christmas is my favorite HOLIDAY.
My favorite ICE CREAM is mint chocolate chip.
I love my JOB.
This will be my eighth year teaching KINDERGARTEN.
I drink water with LIME instead of LEMONS.
I was born in MICHIGAN.
I have three NIECES and one NEPHEW (and another coming in March!).
I could sit and stare at the OCEAN all day.
I love taking PHOTOGRAPHS of friends and family.
I value my QUALITY time with my family.
My favorite subject to teach is READING.
I enjoy watching my daughter play SPORTS.  
I love to watch reality TV.
I was a cheerleader for the UNIOTO Tanks.
My favorite VACATION spots are Destin (Florida), Las VEGAS and the Bahamas.
I love swimming in the WATER.
I like to walk for eXERCISE.
When I was YOUNG, I wanted to be a radio DJ.
I love going to ZOOMBEZI Bay with my family!

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